BitCore Masternode Guide

Welcome to official BitCore BTX Masternode Quick Guide

Some important notes:

  • Always do a backup of your wallet.dat file

  • Encrypt your wallet

  • Never enter any commands in debug console if anyone is asking you to do it

What you need to run a masternode:

  • Linux VPS (Ubuntu 18.04) from your favorite provider (e.g. Vultr, Scaleway, OVH, ...) with 2GB RAM (1GB physical, 1GB swap possible!)

  • IPv4 address from your Linux VPS

  • 2,100 BitCore BTX coins for a masternode collateral (Important: Send Coins in one(!) piece)

  • BitCore BTX QT Wallet (min. Version

Wallet Setup

  1. Download BitCore BTX QT Wallet from our GitHub

  2. Start your BitCore BTX QT Wallet and wait until it's fully synchronized

  3. OPTIONAL: Encrypt your wallet (best with a strong password)

  4. Create a new wallet address for your masternode collateral (save it in a text file, you need it later) Debug Console command: getnewaddress "mn01" "legacy"

  5. Send 2100 BTX Coins to your new generated wallet address and wait for 15 confirmations

  6. Generate a private key for your masternode (save it in a text file, you need it later) Debug Console command: masternode genkey

  7. Get your masternode collateral output (save it in a text file, you need it later) Debug Console command: masternode outputs

  8. Open the masternode.conf file (here are 2 possibilities):

  • In wallet: Tools -> Open Masternode Configuration File

  • Via Windows Explorer this path -> %appdata%\BitCore and open the file with Editor and enter all needed information, e.g. MN_ALIAS VPS_IP:8555 MASTERNODE_PRIVKEY TX_ID TX_INDEX For Example: mn01 5Jgo9G7vNJxzmZdvJR5uiifHx3RGzmTF9SBiAKzzbTPpfToNuQw 23e029a26068fc77aa1000a003e0b4ef8273a09fd79b7646d0da87e44fdbb1db 1 Here a short overview of all needed informations:




Enter any alias, e.g. mn01


Your VPS IPv4 address


Output from masternode genkey


Output from masternode outputs

9. Activate Masternode Tab Goto Settings -> Options -> Wallet and set Show Masternode Tab Restart your Wallet, then you should see the Masternodes Tab in your Wallet.VPS Setup

  1. Connect to your VPS via SSH (I prefer PuTTY)

  2. Download BitCore BTX binary files for Linux, unpack them and copy to required location SSH Commands: cd ~ wget tar -xzvf bitcore-x86_64-linux-gnu_no-wallet.tar.gz cp bin/bitcore{d,-cli} /usr/local/bin rm -r bin/ lib/ bitcore*.tar.gz

  3. Create bitcore.conf and enter all required informations (replace with your values) SSH Commands: mkdir .bitcore cd .bitcore echo "externalip=VPS_IP masternodeaddr=VPS_IP:8555 listen=1 daemon=0 logtimestamps=1 maxconnections=64 masternode=1 masternodeprivkey=MASTERNODE_PRIVKEY" > bitcore.conf

  4. Start your masternode and wait until blockchain is syncronized SSH Command: bitcored -daemon

  5. Check if blockchain is synchronized and masternode ready to be activated SSH Command: bitcore-cli mnsync status and wait until these values are true "IsBlockchainSynced": true, "IsMasternodeListSynced": true, "IsWinnersListSynced": true, "IsSynced": true, PLEASE NOTE: It's very important to wait until all values a true our your masternode will not be able to start !!

  6. Activate your Masternode via BitCore BTX QT Wallet Goto your Wallet, open Masternodes Tab, select your Masternode and start it with Start Alias button. NOTICE: If your wallet is encrypted, you have to enter your password. Now your Masternode Status will be PRE_ENABLED. It normally takes about 20 minutes until the masternode is set to ENABLED, but it can also take longer.

How to update your Masternode:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This described procedure only works if you have set up your masternode using this guide.

SSH Commands: bitcore-cli stop cd ~ wget tar -xzvf bitcore-x86_64-linux-gnu_no-wallet.tar.gz cp bin/bitcore{d,-cli} /usr/local/bin rm -r bin/ lib/ bitcore*.tar.gz bitcored -daemon Now check if blockchain is synchronized and masternode ready to be activated SSH Command: bitcore-cli mnsync status and wait until these values are true "IsBlockchainSynced": true, "IsMasternodeListSynced": true, "IsWinnersListSynced": true, "IsSynced": true, PLEASE NOTE: It's very important to wait until all values a true our your masternode will not be able to start !!

Last updated